tel: 07722761483

Psychological Safety for Leaders

Three, 3 hr workshops            Online £1,650            Max 10     Flexible timings
Psychological Safety is the ability to take interpersonal risk; be vulnerable, admit a mistake, or suggest a radical idea, without fear of feeling criticised, or judged. The  number one enabler of high performing teams, and a leadership responsibility, this practical series of workshops will offer practical tools and develop your confidence in cultivating a psychological safe culture.

Learning objectives
To create a high performing, innovative and creative team
Diversity, equality, inclusion are celebrated and valued
Psychological safety is practiced, measured, and nurtured

Workshop 1. Introducing psychological safety
What is it and why is it so important?
How do you currently practice and nurture it?
Is authentic equality, diversity and inclusion possible without it?
Behaviours to practice before workshop 2

Workshop 2. The leadership role
Creating a psychologically safe culture
Nurturing inclusive leadership
Beware the Amygdala Hijack
Creating a circle of safety
Behaviours to practice before workshop 3

Workshop 3. Identifying and nurturing psychological safety
How psychologically safe is your team?
key tools to implement straight away
A framework for action and next steps